Happy Friday!
Why is this Friday so great? The reason all Fridays are great? The weekend is almost here.
At most workplaces, Fridays are considered casual day, where you are allowed to wear jeans and a t-shirt, and just be comfy. I think the point of this is to let employees know that yes, you can be casual, but get all your work done or you'll have to come in for a non-casual Saturday.
Personally, my Fridays give me a chance to reflect on my week. Remind me that I've given 100% all week long. (15% Monday, 20% Tuesday, 27% Wednesday, 23% Thursday, and another 15% Friday)
Also, when people come up to me with problems in the workplace, I can say, "First thing Monday morning, we will get right on that." Instead of saying, "Sit down, my assistant will be with you in a moment." (I don't have an assistant)
The other great things about Fridays is that for two whole days, you don't have to deal with those coworkers that aren't quite up to your standards. The small talk guy, the one who flirts with the boss, the one who actually does their work...
Anyways, here's to hoping that your Friday will be better than the rest of the week.
TGIF, enjoy your weekend.
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